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2012년 5월 16일 수요일

How to learn TOEIC

 To learn how to study TOEIC, we need to know the forms of questions.
 The test consists of two different parts; Listening, and Reading.
 First, let's talk about the listening test.

 This is the first type of the listening test. A speaker describes the pictures, and learners need to choose right answers. Difficulty isn't so high.

 This is the second type. One listening for one question. Difficulty isn't so high either.

 Now this type is a tricky one. One dialogue for three questions. Therefore, learners need to check the questions before the listening starts, and remember the needed information as the speakers speak. These questions are the most difficult and important questions throughout the listening test, so learners need to focus on this type and practice checking questions beforehand(this is really important).

 Now, we'll move on to reading test.

 This is the first type of reading test. It simply requires learners to choose right vocabularies after reading a short sentence. Some of them are tricky, so learners are suggested to memorize vocabularies to prepare for this type.

 The second type is similar to the first one. Learners need to choose right vocabularies after reading a paragraph.

 The last type of reading test is a real reading test. Learners are required to answer questions after reading a long paragraph. Since the time is limited, learners need to adjust time well. It's a good way to check the amount of time learners need for this type, and try to cut it down.

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